Dive safety is paramount, so when you buy a rebreather, it is mandatory to take the unit specific course.
The user course is quite intensive and is more comprehensive than most other unit courses. rEvo rebreathers have a quality assurance program to ensure that all students have received the necessary training, and when the course is completed the newly qualified diver is registered with rEvo Rebreathers as a user and is kept informed of any news by email. These standards were set by rEvo rebreathers, together with the training agency.
We provide certification from TDI (Technical Diving International) and IANTD (International Association of Nitrox and Technical Divers); depending on the organizations, the name of course will differ.
The mixed gas rEvo rebreather diver course will enable you to dive to 60m using trimix as diluent. The ultimate level will be the advanced mixed gas rEvo rebreather diver course; after successfully completing it, the diver will be able to dive to 100m using trimix diluent.
A demo unit is available for test dive and training.
Depending on your current certification and diving experience, you will have access to the below courses:
User Courses
The course duration will be 6 days; after successfully completing the course, the diver will be able to dive to 45m using helitrox diluent. Prerequisites: Minimum 18 years of age, 50 open water dives, advanced nitrox or equivalent, decompression procedures or equivalent, helitrox diver/advanced recreational diver or equivalent.
The course duration will be 5 days; if upgrading after the rEvo air diluent course, the duration will be 3 to 4 days, depending on performance. Prerequisites: Minimum 18 years of age, 50 open water dives, advanced nitrox or equivalent, decompression procedures or equivalent.
This course can be co-taught with the rEvo course. The course duration will be between 5 and 7 days, depending on experience and performance. After successfully completing the course, the diver will be able to attend the rEvo decompression procedure course. Prerequisites: Minimum 18 years of age, 50 open water dives, advanced nitrox or equivalent.
If you are already a rebreather diver on another rebreather, you must do the crossover course, which takes 2.5 days.
Advanced Courses
The objective of the course is to train divers in the benefits, hazards and proper procedures for mixed gas diving on the unit specific CCR (Closed Circuit Rebreather), utilizing a mixed gas diluent containing 16 percent or greater oxygen, an developing intermediate CCR diving skills appropriate to technical diving to a maximum depth of 60 meters. Course Prerequisite: TDI Air Diluent Decompression Procedures Rebreather/TDI CCR Helitrox Diluent Decompression Procedures Diver course or equivalent, a minimum of 50 rebreather hours distributed over a minimum of 50 dives on the rEvo, half of which must be deeper than 20 meters. If the diver has 50 hours on another CCR unit, only 25 hours are required on the rEvo. Duration of the course is 4 days
This is the highest-level certification course for divers. The objective of the course is to train divers in the benefits, hazards and proper procedures for advanced mixed gas diving the rEv0, and developing advanced CCR (Closed Circuit Rebreather) diving skills appropriate for technical diving to a maximum depth of 100 meters. Course Prerequisite: Certified TDI CCR Mixed Gas Diluent diver or equivalent, with a minimum of 100 hours as a certified CCR diver over a minimum of 100 dives. A minimum of 50 hours and 50 dives must be on the rEvo. Fifty percent of these dives must be deeper than 30 meters. Duration of the course is between 5 and 7 days, depending on student performance and experience.
The most demanding diving course. The course duration will be between 7 and 10 days, depending on diver qualifications and performance during the course. The crossover from OC cave diver to rEvo rebreather cave diver will take 3 days.
We can accommodate all your training requirements in the Middle East area either through our exclusive affiliated diving centers, or through a facility that you provide in other countries. Our exclusive affiliated diving centers are: